Monday, February 27, 2017

Good Day!
Wow, the time has flown since last posting and our lives are totally on a different path since then.
On May 1st of last year, we sold our lovely and precious lakehouse that we remodeled and have lived in for over 25 years.  And if that wasn't enough to adjust to, we also gave our notices to our employer and retired.  All of this was supposed to take possibly 6 months to a year, but the Dear Lord had another plan for us.  Our house went on the market on a Sunday morning and was sold on Monday morning...whew, that meant a very quick pack up and move with no plan having been established.  To say the least, we had to move quickly and come up with a plan.  As always, I believe the Lord knew what he wanted us to do.  We both had worked in the Hospice, Ministry and Mental Health field for most of our lives.....we were burned out to say the  
We gave our notices and retired on May 20th.  
Now for the "where do we go and what do we do?"
Maitland (my husband of 50 years) is a member of a great Hunting Club in South Georgia and it just so happened that the house on the property was empty and for lease.  What could be better for us to rejuvenate.....peaceful woodlands, privacy and a place to put "all our stuff" now to pack and move it all....
On June 1st, we moved in and began to nest a little bit before embarking on the first journey of our "Bucket List"
On July 7th we packed up our RV for a four month excursion which included travel to Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Colorado, Alaska, Illinois, Indianna, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Virginia and back to Georgia at the end of October.
We stuck around Georgia through hunting season, of course......then in January and February we began some short trips to Jekyll Island in Georgia and several trips to Florida.
Our retirement has been exciting and as most retirees say,
 "How did I ever have to time to keep a job?"
My crafting and stamping came to a full halt from May to November, but I now have my craft space in order and have delved into my hobby whenever we are not on the road.
I hope to begin posting more frequently with some of my creations.
My closing to you in the past has always been:
"I leave you now with my Reflections from the Lake"
My new closing will now be:
I leave you now with my Reflections from the Woods!